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EX EventCAM 2D

EX EventCAM 2D

EX EventCAM 2D is an industrial event trigger camera that complies with the Ex ib IICT6 Gb/Ex ib IIICT80°C Db intrinsic safe explosion protection standards for harsh conditions in explosive atmospheres.

The EX version is an extended version of the EventCAM 2D and AI EventCAM 2D. Its hardware has been specially adjusted to meet the requirements of automated production lines for pyrotechnic products as well as flammable and explosive products. Overall hardware optimizations including on circuit design,  electronic components, manufacturing processes, housing structure, assembly processes, as well as testing and aging processes. Signifi-cant improvements and enhancements have been made, particularly in protection rating,  power supply safety, short-circuit protection, overheating detection, and alarm

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Product Advantages

  • Zero-threshold operation

No software is needed to be installed on the PC. Industrial applications can be implemented without code basics.

  • Wide range of applications

It can cover most automated production lines for pyrotechnic products as well as flammable and explosive products.

  • Strong adaptability

Adaptable to most of the robots of the mainstream brands and various types of industrial equipment.

  • Comprehensive software toolchain

Supports self-defined safety detection functions such as 2D spatial personnel presence detection, abnormal trajectory detection, and more.

  • Safety and reliability

Complies with the Ex ib IIC T6 Gb/Ex ib IIIC T80°C Db intrinsic safety explosion protection standards for harsh conditions in explosive atmospheres.

  • Openness and ease of use

Various communication interfaces can meet various data exchange requirements, enabling efficient data exchange.

  • Flexible deployment

Various installation methods are supported for complex installation environments.

  • Technological innovation

Terminal video understanding algorithms, model compression, and chip architecture coupling.

  • Accurate analysis

Embedded with multiple pre-trained video understanding models trained on extensive datasets.

Product Usage Scenarios

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