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Battery balancing maintenance device

Battery balancing maintenance device

This productis a maintenance device for lithium batteries in a wide range of new energyvehicles or electric bicycles. Due to individual differences in batteries, the voltage
ofindividual batteries mayvaryafter prolonged use, and the imbalance in terminal voltage
ofindividual batteries will lead to low batterycapacityutilization and incomplete discharge. This is reflected in user use, resultingin shorter batterylife. 
For this purpose, this product uses the "series chargingand compensation" method to periodicallysample the individual battery,obtain the currentvoltage parameters, compare them with the settargetvoltage, and discharge more and charge less. Narrow the voltage difference between individual batteries, maintain them in a higher efficiencyrange, improve batterylife, increase batterylife, and provide users with a better user experience.
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Product Advantages

  • Discharge load, simple wiring

Integrated design No need for external charger or discharge load, simple wiring, easyto operate.8 inch large LCD touch screen operation, simple menu design, fastresponse, no need for external IPAD or computer uploader.

  • Charging and discharging can be done atthe same time, which saves time.

High equalization efficiency All the channels can work independently, can be charged and discharged, high voltage discharge, low voltage charging, charging and discharging can be carried outatthe same time, savingtime. Charging and discharging can be done atthe same time, which saves time.

  • High Equalization Precision Measurement

High Equalization Precision Measurement accuracy reaches 2mv, no false scale, no false equalization, no need for manual calibr-ation.

  • High safety performance

High safety performance Designed in line with the conceptofautomotive electronic functional safety,there are batteryreverse connection, connection line dropout,batteryunder- voltage, batteryover-voltage, outputover- voltage, outputshort-circuit,outputover- voltage, and outputshort circuit.overcurrent,output overvoltage, out -put shortcircuit,equipment over temperature, equipment hardware failure and other protection.

  • Modules and single batteries

Flexible working mode The number ofchannels can be stacked flexibly,and a single channel can reach lOOA current after stac-king,which can quicklycharge and discharge the batterycell with large pressure difference and equalize it. No constraints such as total negative or total positive, cascade, etc.,it can realize equalization between the same module, modules, modules and single batteries.

  • Intelligent adjustment of the battery to the final target voltage, no need to manually guard.

Depolarization function Full working cycle depolarization, automatic current reduction when approaching the target voltage to reduce the virtual voltage, real-time sampling of battery voltage and calculation, intelligent adjustment of the battery to be charged to the target voltage. Real-time sampling of battery voltage and calculation, intelligent adjustment of the battery to the final target voltage, no need to manually guard.

  • Simple operation Foolproof operation

Simple operation Foolproof operation, guided setting,high degree of intelligence, one-key equalization.

  • Light weight,easy to carry

Portable design Small size, light weight,easy to carry,can be equipped with air travel case, convenient for field.

  • Supports the analysis of big data platform.

Data Acquisition Supports local or remote cloud storage and management of maintenance data of each channel, and supports the analysis of big data platform.

Product Usage Scenarios

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